Thursday, April 04, 2013

April 4, 2013 – Ezekiel 38

Here we come to the prophesy about Gog and Magog.  In the book I read, this chapter, and 39, were the main focus for the end times that were to come, eventually leading to the rapture.  The book looks at Gog as Russia, which in the book, rises up and becomes a super power once again.  Along with other Arab nations they build up and plan an attack on Israel.  At the climax of the book Israel is deciding whether to use its nuclear weapons to defend itself, and they do not, but God sends fire from Heaven and basically wipes out all of Israel’s enemies.

It was a fun read up to a point, but as I have said in the past, the main theology of the rapture and being taken and the theology of once saved always saved is littered throughout and towards the end became distracting.  It makes for a very interesting reflection on what the end could possibly look like and how God would use current world powers and even nuclear war to bring about His will.  It is also interesting to see religion and conversions shape powerful leaders and their decisions.  It encourages us to pray for the conversion of our leaders (imagine if President O’Bama suddenly became orthodox Catholic and what effect that would have on the world).

I also must give the author credit for taking one or two chapters and developing it into 4 books and relating Old Testament prophesies into modern day situations.  Like I said, it is a fun and interesting read, but off base with its main theology.


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