Thursday, September 19, 2013

September 19, 2013 – Jeremiah 46 – 47

We saw that Israel would not be coming out of Egypt similar to when Moses brought them out. But here it gives hope that the “offspring” will get back to the Promised Land. That is even closer to Moses and the time in the wilderness. God is trying to renew Israel again by taking out the one generation that did not follow God in the hope that the new generation will listen better.

I love the imagery of the armies of Babylon washing over the land like the Nile. There is scenes that come to mind. You can see a scene in World War Z where the zombies are rushing over a van like a wave of water. Then scenes in the movie Mummy where the armies of dead are rushing over the sand and are just coming over the land like you would think water would flow. You can imagine seeing an army coming towards you like a tidal wave. And it is not described as a glacier moving, but flowing like the Nile, so it is coming quick and like a flood, which Egypt would fully understand.


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