Sunday, October 06, 2013

October 6, 2013 – 2 Maccabees 8

These tales are of the same battles, but what is going on before the battle is much more detailed.  We get the motivational speech of Judas to get them ready to fight the army much bigger than theirs.  They must have learned this from their father because all the brothers have this ability to lead men into bad odds and bring victory.  We also see the reliance and the prayerful reaching out to God before the battle.  They reach back and recall battles in which they were outnumbered and God helped them win.  I like how it points out, God could not only destroy all of their weapons with a mere thought, but can destroy the whole world.  Why should we fear battle when God is on our side.  We should pray to have that type of confidence in God in our lives.  He still has the power to destroy the world with a thought, His power hasn’t changed.  Whether we are walking towards Him or away from Him is the only thing that is in flux.


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