December 20, 2013 – Haggai 1 – 2
Anytime we get something about rebuilding the Temple I am reminded of our Church raising money to refurbish. When it was going on, you heard a lot of people complaining about why it cost so much and if we needed it. Michelle and I loved the original plan they had and were willing to give what we could, but they could not get enough pledged to do exactly what they wanted. They cut back on the least practical thing (if you call a replica of the Portzucula as an Adoration chapel not practical), but we still got a much more beautiful church than you see in many new constructions. Here the people of Israel have been told that they can rebuild the Temple, but they just do not feel it is a priority. They can get by with what they have and they feel they need to spend their resources in other ways. God takes their stinginess and actually causes them to start losing what they already have. God wants our best, not our leftovers. And we should give Him our best. We shouldn’t be afraid to tithe appropriately. We should trust that if we give God the money we “think we need”, He will take care of us.
I have heard stories about people giving their life savings to TV preachers. Someone could argue that they trusted in God and He didn’t come through. First, TV preachers are not Catholic Churches. But second, I have never been asked by the Catholic Church to give more than 10%, not my life savings. They do ask that you put them in your will, but you can’t take it with you anyway. And, if you ever truly look at what you spend your money on, I think we can all do with 10% less of the junk we buy. “But Matt, what about all those people just getting by?” Jesus points to the lady that gave her last two coins. But I do agree there are some that cannot give. I think there are more out there that don’t feel they can give because they need the newest IPhone.
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