Reflection on August 8, 1984
I have heard many times the argument that Natural Family Planning (NFP) is just another form of contraception. It is accepted by the Catholic Church as acceptable because it is natural and for what it doesn’t do. It doesn’t put a barrier between the partners. That is what artificial contraception does, that is their purpose. But there is a point to be made about the choice to use NFP in a wrong way. I think fleshing out that point can be done looking at 4 scenarios.
1. A couple who does not want to have children for no particular reason and use Artificial Contraception.
2. A couple who has plausible and serious motives for spacing children and use Artificial Contraception.
3. A couple who does not want to have children for no particular reason and use NFP.
4. A couple who has plausible and serious motives for spacing children and use NFP.
You can see that there are 2 separate categories of action and both have their sinful nature. Couple number 3 is still acting in a sinful way because as a couple engaged in the conjugal union; they are supposed to be open to children unless there are good reasons for avoiding pregnancy. If they are only not having children because they want a better car or more vacations, they are not acting. But couple 2, although they may pass one hurdle in having good reasons for not having children, act in sinful manner by using artificial contraception as a means to achieve that.
The act of artificial contraception is sinful because of what it is by its nature, artificial. It puts a barrier up to something that is meant to be a gift fully given and fully received. Wondering if you could add another scenario in which you have an unmarried couple that uses NFP and, although they are using the natural approach, are still acting sinfully in that they are joining in a union outside the union of marriage. A married couple, using NFP, to space children for good reason, is the natural and normal method that best expresses what God had in mind for us as humans. I believe, and this is just me, it also allows the best chance for the husband and wife to best free themselves from the world and its sin in order to fully give and receive the gift they are to each other.
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