Saturday, June 14, 2003
Well, we hit our first snag. Jenn is missing. It is 10:00 A.M. and she is not in the room and has not been. We went out last night and came back around two. Jenn was pretty much gone and I had anything she was carrying of value. We were in the lounge watching a movie with some people, she ask me for her room key and took off. I just figured she was going to the room, but she was not and is not here. She has no money and no shoes and if she is not back by 11:00, no key.
I have gone ahead and paid for another night here, which we were going to do anyway, so we do not have to worry about getting out. Pretty soon, we need to get ferry tickets for tomorrow morning. I really do not know what to do at the moment. I figure I will just stay in the room and wait for her. No matter what happened last night I cannot think she will be in a good mood and she told me yesterday that she was having cramps, so it should be an interesting day no matter what.
Just for the record, I think I did just about all I could do to stop her from doing anything too wrong up to a point. I did not carry her out or take her to her room kicking and screaming. She has put me in a very awkward position. I could not stop her last night or she would have gotten pissy or just left without giving me her valuables, then who knows where they would be. But if anything bad happens, I will be blamed for letting it happen.

Went to mass this morning for the first time since I got here. It was just a small service, but it was a nice refresher to have. I have to remember to call Dad tomorrow. (Father's Day)
Jenn is back. She does not remember the latter part of last night, but she is back and all in one piece, so I do not have to worry anymore. It is going to be a relaxing day today. Not really too much we can do in Liverpool that we have not already done. So I think we are just going to hang around and make sure we have everything settled.
Today has been my day of rest. I have not done anything and it feels great. Watched a movie, looked up my grades, which were good, and played some pool. The batteries feel recharged, which was my point for the day. I am ready to hit Dublin and be excited about it. I am wondering if the classes will be as easy as people said they will be. I hope so, not that I am that lazy, which I am, it is just that I do not want to have to push my brains too hard. We still have a long trip after these Dublin classes are over and I do not want them to burn me out. Well, I imagine that I will talk to you on the ferry tomorrow if I do not get too sick.
June 14, 2007
Well, this was my first real point where I really worried about how far I was away and how hard it would be to get help if anything happened. It was a really sick feeling that I still remember. It isn't a fun feeling. It won't be the last time on this trip that feeling will come up. Good luck to Phil in the US Open.
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