Friday, February 26, 2010

Feb. 26, 2010 - Genesis 19

A couple of very odd stories surround Lot.  Wanting to give his daughters instead of the travelers, losing his wife as a pillar of salt, and then having children with his own daughters.  I don't really know what to take from these stories.  The footnotes talk about his children become the nations of who the Jews would consider lesser nations.  That is why they betray their parentage in such a light.  I was thinking it is to give us a contrast to Abraham, but he even had relations with Sarah handmaid.  And the people of Sodom who wanted to do improper things with the guest, are we suppose to judge them so harshly when the “good” people that were saved commit this type of act.  The whole chapter is rather a bizarre mix.  Maybe you out there have a better take on it.      


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