Monday, March 08, 2010

March 8, 2010 – Matthew 15:21-16:12

Sometimes I don’t know where they get these footnotes.  Obviously we are not bible scholars and have not spent years learning theology and the like.  So, we rely on the footnotes to give us a better understanding of what is going on in the story.  But the footnotes only say that this is likely just a repeat of the telling of the feeding 5,000.  That seems totally unlikely.  Why would Matthew waste time telling the same story again.  That doesn’t happen with other things.  And is it completely unlikely that Jesus fed a large group of people following Him more than once.  He gives Himself in the Eucharist throughout the world everyday.  I was just looking through the footnotes and found myself totally unsatisfied and disappointed with their explanation.  “Its a repeat”. 


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