Saturday, May 01, 2010

May. 1, 2010 – Genesis 34

What a story.  Kidnapping, revenge, battle strategy.  This has it all for a very short chapter.  But what do we take from it.  I have more questions to ponder than answers.  First, what was Jacob thinking.  He didn’t do anything when he found out and still didn’t want to do anything when his sons returned.  We learn at the end that he is afraid of those living in the land.  Again, we see this theme of not trusting in the Lord.  Jacob has done a lot to show his trust, yet when he comes against the fear of others, he falters.  It comes to his trust in the Lord verses his fear of others. 

Then the Bash Brothers.  They use the sign of God’s covenant to defeat their enemies.  It is like inviting someone to pray with you and then when they are most vulnerable, killing them out of revenge.  It seems a little off and don’t really know if this was the plan from the beginning or the just saw an opportunity.

We also see that they weren’t looking for converts.  They have people, willing to follow them and their ways, and they kill them.  They go about getting the girl the wrong way, but they seem to repent a bit and want to cooperate.  We know that Jacob is not suppose to mix with others, but have we heard this about his sons and what they are suppose to do.  It just seems like a different type of story and one that is interesting to meditate on.  Which side we relate to, what their motivations are, who is doing the Lord’s will.   


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