Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010 – Exodus 3

“I AM”.  The name of God.  A name that to me means always everywhere.  I was looking at some of the early church writers discussing the name and reasons why it is.  One of the reasons is that there can be no name for God since He is the creator of all.  He is outside and beyond all things so no name could be appropriate.  Another explanation is that for something to have a name, there must be something before it that names it.  Since there was nothing before God, He does not have a name.  Those seem logical, but for me it just makes sense for a God that is always everywhere, I AM best describes God.  Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, to your furthest imagination, He is there and says I AM.  It is a simple name, yet profound and theologians have spent lifetimes unraveling it.  “Tell them I AM sent you.”     


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