Wednesday, September 08, 2010

September 8, 2010 – Acts 26:19 - 27:12

The statement about letting him go if he had not appealed to Caesar got me thinking.  There are many things that are against the law that we don’t do.  But are there things that the law makes us do that we know are wrong.  Not examples of things we think are wrong but are still legal, like divorce or abortion, but things that we think are wrong but are forced to do.  This person wants to let Paul go, but he cannot because of the law.  I was trying to think of examples.  I am coming up with nothing.  But it is something to think about.  And I guess it is something to thank God for that we live in a country where it is hard to come up with an example where the law forces us to do things we think are wrong.   


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