Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010 – Catechism 547-553

I still don’t understand how some could see the miracles that Jesus performed and not be converted.  Every time I think about that, I then think of things that happen in our lives and then see how our faith is still frail.  Then we see that it discusses the reason for the miracles but that they were not as significant as Christ true purpose, free us from the slavery of sin.  When we only seek those miracles in life so that we do not have to suffer, we miss the point of the miracle. Unless we are asking for the miracle do help us lead others to Christ, chances are it will not be coming.  

Here we have an explanation of the Church’s teaching on Church authority and Peter’s authority.  I know some reading this do not believe in the Church’s authority and therefore do not give the Church’s teachings any significance.  Who started your particular church.  If your answer is Christ, how do you show your lineage or connection to Him.  If it is someone else, where did they get their authority to start your church.  The Catholic Church is a church started by Christ and handed to Peter with the authority to teach and lead Christ followers.  That is the foundations of the Catholic Church. 


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