Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18, 2010 – Galatians 4:21 - 5:12

Faith working through love matters in Christ. It makes complete sense that a sense or internal idea needs an external process to show itself. Faith Alone cannot manifest itself. Faith needs action to be true and saving faith. I think everyone realizes this and you hear people say that true faith will produce good actions as a result, but they will still say we are saved by faith alone. Why can’t people see that they (faith and works) are essential to each other. This is what I do not understand.

You were running well, who hindered you from the truth. There is a truth, and truth by its definition cannot be divided or in multiples. There is one truth and when people who had once been running well are not running well anymore, who are they suppose to turn to. Who gets them back on track.

Can an entire church be off track. It appears so since this letter is to the Galatians, not just George the Galatian. The entire church was in danger of running away from the truth and Paul wrote them to come back to the Truth. Even a church must look outside of itself to some teaching authority to instruct it on what is Truth and which direction it should go.

There is a dire warning to those who do lead people astray from the Truth. They will bear the condemnation of those that they lead. My prayers go out to all those that lead people astray, but most especially for those that do so with an anger or hatred or malice towards the Catholic Church. They are souls most in need of our prayers.


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