Saturday, January 08, 2011

January 8, 2011 – Leviticus 11:39 - 13:8

We see, and will continue to see, in chapter 13 the procedure for those with Leprosy and going to the priest to see if they could reenter the community. Hence, when Christ is called on by the 10 Lepers, His response is to go show yourselves to the priest (Luke 17:14).

What I really wanted to discuss, though, is Chapter 12 and more specifically, the new circumcision for Christians, or Baptism. Colossians 2:11-13, talks about the circumcision not administered by hand, the circumcision by Christ. It referring to Baptism. We see that God told Israel to circumcise newborns when they were 8 days old. This circumcision was an entering of this new born into a covenant with God by a physical act and by it they had a physical mark on them for the rest of their life. This chose was not made by them, but by their parents, and it is a command of God. If Baptism is the new circumcision, it is establishing a covenant between a person and God, it is leaving a mark on them that is permanent (however not physical), why is there an objection to infant Baptism. This is God’s command, that this be done to newborns and that parents make this decision for their children. There is nothing in the Bible saying infant baptism is forbidden, nor any specific language saying that infants are suppose to be baptized. But there is specific language that Baptism is a new circumcision and specific language that newborns are suppose to be circumcised.


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