March 27, 2011 – 2 Corinthians 2:12 - 4:6
We are the aroma of Christ. 2:15. Have you ever smelled something that you didn’t care for. Perhaps a dirty diaper of a child. Or a plate that you defrosted chicken on that was left in the microwave for two days. What is the reaction you have. It is hard to describe in words, but we all know that exact feeling. You try to stop breathing because you know that you don’t want to smell anymore than you have to. You want to find whatever it is that smells and get rid of it, or in case of dirty diapers have your wife get rid of it. You flee from the area if it isn’t something you are going to get rid of. Now, think about how the modern world treats Christians. They try to ignore us or not breath us in because they feel any relationship will only cause them more trouble. They try to get rid of us, taking God our of schools and government. They try to cover up God by making any portrayal of Christianity on TV or the movies a joke. Or they flee and live a life completely denying that there is any sort of God or moral code. That is what St. Paul is saying. Living a Christian life and Christianity is the Aroma of Christ. He describes it as the odor of death to those who are perishing. Doesn’t that sound like the way the world treats Christianity. Like someone would treat something that smells terrible.
But to those who are Christians, the aroma is one of life, something that smells great. Picture again what happens when you smell something good. I have flowers in my office that don’t seem to really smell, which is sad. I love the smell of flowers. I love the way it smells after a summer rain. I love the way it smells on a crisp morning. You just want to breath in as much as you can. You want it more and more. You cannot soak up enough of it. That is the way we are suppose to feel about Christ as Christians. Are you taking in as much as you can or do you feel it is more like an obligation you have to meet on Sundays. If you are the later, think about whether Christ is a sweet smelling aroma to you that you want around all the time or is it a dirty diaper you are obligated to change.
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