Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 26, 2011 – Sirach 37

“Then, too, heed your own heart's counsel; for what have you that you can depend on more? A man's conscience can tell him his situation better than seven watchmen in a lofty tower”. Verses 13-14.  Here it is.  The Bible completely supports the idea of moral relativism.  If your conscience tells you it is good, it is good.  If someone tells you that you are wrong, ignore them because this says you know better than seven watchmen.  (because this is typed please understand this has so far been soaked to the core with sarcasm.)  You must read the next verse to understand the Catholic Church teaching on following your conscience.  “Most important of all, pray to God to set your feet in the path of truth.”  The Church tells us to follow our conscience, but first and foremost, we must form our conscience.  If someone follows an ill-informed conscience, it is like being led by a blind man over a cliff.  Yet, that is what people want to do.  They want to do what they feel is right and not listen to others.  The world wants this to be the way it is.  Nothing is wrong because there is no truth and whatever you think is true is true for you.  It may not be true for me, but I should accept the it is true for you.  Have you ever truly thought about that.  It makes absolutely no sense.  How can a world survive if there is no absolute truth.  What does it lead to.  Basically it leads to death because your life and its meaning becomes nothing.  Someone may someday argue that you as a human do not have meaning anymore.  But you argue that you do and as long as you breath you have meaning and that is truth.  But they say they don’t really believe that, that we are all really just animals, none better than the other and you are no more important that the rest.  There is nothing special about you, so we should just get rid of you.  Because we will have lost our understanding of truth and that there is a real and absolute truth, your disagreement will have to be looked at by someone else to be judged as to who is more correct, because neither of you is absolutely correct, you can’t be if there is no truth.  This may seem over the top, but we are only steps away from it.  Life does not have the same value it once did.  The unborn, the elderly, the handicapped, they are being pushed aside.  And if you don’t think it can happen when dealing with normal everyday folks, tell that to a Jew in Nazi Germany.  When the definition of life, the meaning of life is taken out of the realm of ABSOLUTE TRUTH and is vulnerable to the a definition given to it from moral relativism, there can always be the argument that your life is the one that does not have meaning.   


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