June 27, 2011 – Ephesians 4
4-5. ONE – there is only one and can be only one and one does not disagree with itself and continue to function.
14 – He is talking about the gifts the Church is given, apostles, prophets, teachers and pastors so that we will not be swept away by every different teaching that comes along that sounds good or worth trying. When I hear that someone is deciding to start their own church because they do not agree with the Church they are in now it is usually based on an interpretation of something in the Bible. What does that new church interpret this verse to mean. What do those new followers make of this verse. When you leave one church for another and they are teaching something new, what do you make of this verse. Do you ignore it as something that does not apply to you. Do you consider it old fashion to be tied to only one idea. It is not progress to not allow for growth and new ideas. Branching out on your own is not Biblical, it is the opposite. Breaking away from the One Church guided by the One God and founded by the One Christ is to ignore Paul and to be swept away by the wind of new teachings. Just because this started hundreds of years ago perhaps with Luther doesn’t change the notion that he was a wind of new teaching that swept people away from the Church. The fact that the wind is still blowing, be it in 30,000 different directions, just makes it more of challenge and necessity to hold on even tighter to the ONE that Paul was talking about.
29 – Our culture cares so little about foul language. I had a filthy mouth for a very long time. I have cleaned it up for my sake and for the health of my family to the point that I find it disturbing when I hear it now. It really makes it obvious the type of slippery slope sin and lack of self control are when you think about the language we use and what that can lead to. Self control in this area makes us stronger in others, where as the lack of it in this area leads us to being more vulnerable to other sins.
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