Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011 – Catechism 1051-1060

The existence of Hell is not a fun topic to talk about but a necessary one to ponder. The modern world does not like the idea of punishment or suffering. We would much prefer that everything cost nothing. Yet our movies and games are extremely violent. But they are removed from us, until the violent nature sneaks into our homes. This whole obsession with zombies and vampires and the like seems to go along with this inherent nature God gave us for life after this earthly life. That is because God gave us that nature. We try to fill it with these distorted ideas, but it is hard to deny that there isn’t something there in all of us that doesn’t long for something more eternal or immortal than our Earthly life. And that isn’t wrong, God wants us to seek for that eternal life, but we must look to Him to receive it or it will be an eternal life of pain and suffering.


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