Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 16, 2011 – Baruch 2

It seems from what is written that before the exile, the Israelites had a choice.  They could choose to live under Babylonian rule in their homes or be conquered.  I don’t remember that from what I have read about the exile, so I will have to remember to watch for that.  They had a choose to live as captives in their on homes or fight and lose and be taken to a foreign land.  I have the vaguest sense that this had something to do with them going to Egypt for help when God told them not to, but that may be something else. 

So, even after all the sins, the bad kings, the worshipping of other gods, Israel still had a chance to stay in their homes and not be exiled but just be conquered.  Instead they ignored God and tried it on their own, again, and look what happened.  Still, God does not forget them and brings them back after a period of time.  How often to we turn our back on God’s plan for us, how many times is He ready to take us back and try again. 


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