Saturday, October 08, 2011

October 8, 2011 – Daniel 10

Is Michael that they are talking about St. Michael the Archangel. And I thought it was interesting that he had to go and be left with the king of Persia. What was he doing with him. The Man says that he is going to go back and battle the king and Michael will help. I don’t know what kind of battle. God can use armies, so I don’t know if it is a personal battle or if there is a foreign army that God is using and this Man is using this army against the king.

I am guessing there is a connection between the 21 days that Daniel was fasting are the same as 21 that this Man could not get to Daniel. What was in his way. You would think that Daniel fasting and praying would bring him faster. The king seems to have blocked this Man, with what power was that being done.


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