Wednesday, October 05, 2011

October 5, 2011 – Luke 10:21 - 11:13

It is not quite the good Samaritan story, but I really like it and I love West Wing. It is the story of the guy that falls in a hole. You have to know a little bit of the background for it to really make total sense, but I think the story is great.

We are working with Paul to learn the Our Father. He has the Hail Mary down, almost better than his ABC’s, but the Our Father is a little longer. He can finish most the lines if I start them. I have always been curious about the doxology that people put at the end of the Our Father. I was really against doing it because that was never the Our Father I knew and it is not the one in the Bible. I think the doxology is beautiful and meaningful, I just never understood adding it except in the liturgy when it is a part of the liturgical prayer. From what I can gather, the doxology was part of the liturgy and followed the Our Father from very early on in the Church. Thus, when people were translating and scripting the Bible, people added it into the Gospels because it was what they were used to in the liturgy. It is not found in the earliest manuscripts of the Gospels but only later on. “For thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, now and forever”. Nothing wrong with that, so I think I may just have to try and warm up to its addition when others say the Our Father. We don’t actually say the exact words from the Gospels in our Our Father prayer either.


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