Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 19, 2011 – Catechism 1145 – 1152

I don’t know what the percentage is, but it is a high percentage of our communication is non-verbal, mostly being visual. We learn a lot from someone’s expression, posture, reactions, and so on. It is no different with God. We have His words, but we also have His signs, our visual communication, to guide us. When John the Baptist’s disciples came and asked Jesus if He was the one or to look for another He told them, what do you SEE. He listed off the miracles and told them to go back and tell John. He never mentions the words He was preaching (although they are important) but focused on the signs, the non verbal, the visual actions that were taking place. They are brought in by the visual and once there, soak in the words. The witness of the Martyrs is another example. Many were converted by witnessing the martyrs having really no idea about the specific teachings of Christ, only that they saw people willing to die for what they believed in. They came because of what they saw and then were taught what the Words were.

I spend quite a bit of time in the library and like to pick up books to read that I don’t know anything about. I understand you cannot judge a book by its cover, but the cover can peak my interest and get me started. If the cover does not interest me, chances are I will not take it home unless someone has recommended it.

It cannot also work in the opposite way. How many are turned off from the Catholic Church because they see the action of “Catholics” and never take the time to learn about the words. Visual communication is very important in all aspects and God knows that. That is why He has given us visual and tangible signs to lead us to Him and His Words.


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