Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22, 2012 – Catechism 1275-1284

I love Baptism, the permanence, the idea of being re-born into a new life, the understanding of reuniting with God, of crossing that divide that was brought by original sin. I loved having my two boys Baptized and it means a great deal to me that I am responsible for bringing them up in a way that God would want. I don’t regret at all the fact that I don’t remember my Baptism and don’t hold it against my parents for Baptizing me as an infant. I am thankful that God’s grace was with me during those years when I wasn’t even aware of it and only when I see my life fully after all is said and done will I understand how that Grace aided me in those early years. I cannot for the life of me understand the downside of having an infant Baptized. If you think it should be a choice that a person makes on their own, a person can make a choice to follow God or not. We all have free will. Baptizing and infant does not take away their free will. They have the choice to follow God when they grow up, same as everyone else. Accept they will have that added Grace, that mark of God, to help them. Someone who is baptized as an adult has the same free will to turn away from God after they are Baptized. I don’t know if I will ever understand the objections to infant Baptism.


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