Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19, 2012 – Zechariah 1 – 2

The introduction puts this in context of a pep talk to get the exiles to come back to Jerusalem.  It talks about how God is on their side now and Jerusalem will be restored.  It doesn’t really say where Zechariah is located, but you can picture this message going out to all the distant lands and the Jews hearing it and being drawn back home.  Remember that when they are exiled, although large chunks were taken in some big groups, there were many smaller parts taken all over and those left behind may not have stayed there or been taken later by other groups.  The Jews were scattered all over the known world, and this was a beacon for a return. 

2:13 I thought was a powerful image.  “I wave my hand over them: they become plunder”. 


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