Thursday, June 07, 2012

June 7, 2012 – 1 Samuel 1

19 – “When they returned Elkanah had intercourse with his wife Hannah, and the LORD remembered her.”  I wonder, do people think that when they shut their bedroom door, that stops God from intervening.  God is there, in the midst of your most intimate joining with your spouse.  That is why intercourse is so special, because it is so HOLY.  That is why it is suppose to be between a husband and wife, because it is so HOLY.  Intercourse is perhaps the greatest Earthly way God has to show us what true communion is, complete vulnerability, complete unity.  Any other unit or bound is somehow incomplete.  It cannot bring about life.  God is a part of that union between a husband and wife and if He wills it, He allows a child to come forth from that union.  The HOLINESS of that act, the cooperation with God in forming life, the promise it says, the vulnerability that is required, that is why the Catholic Church takes it so seriously.  Its HOLINESS is also the same reason the devil lures the world into treating so poorly.  When you are the enemy, you take the thing they find most sacred and you trample on it, you mock it, you make it ordinary, you distort it, and you do whatever you can to try and destroy its meaning.  Look at the way the world looks at sex and the complete opposite way the Catholic Church looks at it.  I don’t know if you can really say we have lost the battle of the sexual revolution.  While here, in this world, it is not something we can really win.  I think all we can do is do our best to learn what the Church teaches, live by those teachings and let people know that there is a different way.  The world will do what it will do.  We are not of this world.  Whatever the world does, we need to hold fast to our beliefs and our teachings.  What happens after that is out of our hands.  All we can control are our actions and I would encourage everyone to learn more about why the Catholic Church teaches what they teach and really reflect on what road the world is taking us on with their views on sex and sexuality. 


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