Thursday, August 02, 2012

August 2, 2012 – 1 Samuel 17

The story of David and Goliath is one of the most famous stories in the Old Testament.  It has become a cliché to use it when we are talking about an underdog’s heroics.  But, what stands out to you this time reading it. Even though you may be hearing it for the millionth time, you should always try to learn or discover something new about it.  I never realized that Goliath calls out Israel for 40 days.  This is a significant number (flood, desert, fasting, lent).  At the end of 40 days we always see the end of suffering, the conclusion to a battle, the victory brought by God.  How does David’s victory compare with Christ victory over Satan’s temptations.  We see Satan tempted Christ with material goods, strength, and worldly power.  We can see these, in a way, in the armor that Saul tries to give David.  Saul thinks that armor and weapons are what will save David, much like Satan says bread and power are what Christ truly needs.  It is when David turns these down and relies on God that he truly becomes strong, just as after Christ turns away Satan, He begins His ministry. 

We also see a situation in which David is challenged because of his youth.  God does not care about age and can use the very young to teach the old.  If you feel held back because of your age, look to young David as an example of what you can accomplish with the help of God. 

Also, 6 ½ feet tall is a lot different than most images would have us imagine.  Goliath is always depicted as towering over all the other men in the camp.  Maybe 6 ½ feet would have towered over all of them or maybe he was just a very good soldier.  Whichever it was, he became arrogant and lowered his guard and was defeated by a boy.  


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