Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012 – Job 17 – 18

17:14 – “If I must call corruption my father”.  When I read this I thought of those that don’t believe in God, those that feel this life is all there is, that when you die, you go into the ground and that is it.  Corruption is their father.  Job ask if that is the case, “Where then is my hope”. 15.  That is a great question and one that they cannot answer.  That is why a secular culture, one where we take God out of every type of public sphere, is a dark culture and devoid of hope.  If this is all there is, there is really no foundation to rules.  Pleasure and what pleases us is the only rule.  Our feelings are all that matter and if me feeling good means that you don’t, that isn’t my problem.  That is where a world without God leads us. 

I read chapter 18 after I wrote the above, but it feels like I was on to something.  Job was talking about those without hope, that rely totally on the world.  In that category would be those that feel we are nothing more than animals.  Bildad’s response appears that this is exactly what Job was saying about them.  “Why are we accounted like the beast, their equals in your sight” 3.  It is obvious that Bildad, even though he has a worldly view, does not believe his akin to the animals.  I wonder if those that preach that humans are just advanced animals today actual truly believe it or just like to hear themselves speak.


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