Tuesday, November 06, 2012

November 6, 2012 – 2 Samuel 17

David escapes because of the inside spies, but couldn’t his spies have sent him information about either plan.  I don’t see why the plan had to change in order for his escape.  With the change in plans, the first councilor went off and killed himself.  Maybe the was the whole point and the escape of David was only secondary. 

I don’t see why Israel had to go all together.  Seems inefficient.  I guess if God wanted the whole of Israel to see David’s victory or demise so that they would be united, that makes sense. 

What I find so interesting is the sheepish following that Israel shows.  They are so easily led astray.  You would think that Americans would not describe ourselves as sheep but leaders, but how easily do we fall.  Where are we being led.  How easily do we changed our course and follow the latest trend.  Whether it is cloths, technology, food, diets, etc we are always buying into the latest thing.  This is a sheepish way of acting.  Some would say our economics is following the socialist ideas of Europe and their ideologies.  So, maybe we aren’t the leaders we think we are.  Maybe we are just the lost sheep of Israel looking for anything to follow.  I think I just wrote about this trend starting and will continue until our country as a whole makes its shepherd God.  Until then we are lost sheep and who know where we will be led.


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