Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012 – Catechism 2041 – 2051

Here we discuss the “percepts of the Church”.  This basically means the bare minimum that a Catholic is asked to do to be a faithful Catholic.  Going to Mass every Sunday is not going above and beyond your responsibility, it is the bare minimum.  If you are a person who labels themselves a Catholic, run down the list.  When was the last time you went to confession, received Eucharist, went to Sunday Mass.  The checklist isn’t that long, yet there are many who either don’t know or don’t care when it means to be Catholic.  It is that group that claims the name Catholic without actually sticking to the Catholic percepts that have caused many of the issues in our Church today. 

Many understand fasting only as not eating, but there is so much more to it than that.  It is about controlling your emotions, your mind over your body.  Not only is it not old fashioned and out of date, but with the modern day obsession with material things and the priority that we put on feeling food, fasting is even more important.  When you think about your New Year’s resolution, think about fasting or decide to do something that will encourage you to work your mind and help control over your body.


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