Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012 – Psalms 119:33 – 119:72

I talked last time about the law being something to honor and be in awe of.  These Psalms take it a step further.  The law is something to take comfort in.  When we are in a dark place, we look to the law of God for comfort.  That doesn’t seem to be a common use of the law, it often isn’t seen as something that we take comfort in, but that is a view of the Psalmist. 

How many would say that the law is more precious than heaps of silver and gold.  I am a lawyer and earn my pay because of the law and even I don’t feel that kind of love for the law.  But always understand that it is the law, natural and God given laws that protect what we have.  It is the absence of laws and the lack of mortality in laws that cause us pain and suffering and lose.  Many of us look to the laws that are being established in our country and see a lack of morality in them.  These are not laws to take comfort in but will bring about chaos and darkness.  Many don’t feel that way and think it is an overreaction, but you only have to look at history to understand what happens when God and Morality are taken out of the laws and government action. 


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