Saturday, January 12, 2013

January 12, 2013 – Catechism 2075 – 2082

This is one of those “brief” sections which reviews all the previous paragraphs, so there is not anything new to talk about.  But the last line struck me.  “What God commands he makes possible by his grace.”  We cannot accomplish what we are meant to do as God’s created being without God.  I think the line itself is understandable.  What I was reflecting on is if you take that line and compare it with “all things are possible through God”.  I think there are many times that people might bring that line up when they are trying to accomplish something that seems overwhelming, as well they should.  But, there is always that question as to whether what they are trying to do is something God wants them to do.  If I said I was trying to convert my atheist father-in-law, you might encourage me with “all things are possible through God” and it should give me comfort.  If I am trying to get gay marriage approved in the state, someone might encourage me with “all things are possible through God”.  That is where I think there is a very clear distinction between the line in the Catechism and the Scripture quote and that needs to be reflected on.  Is what we are trying to accomplish actually God’s will?


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