January 7, 2013 – Psalms 119:105 – 119:144
We are still looking at the reaction to God’s laws. In these, though, I was more interested in his reaction to others when they did not follow the law. At one point he says that his eyes stream for those that don’t follow the law. Do you ever look around at the world and want to cry because of the evil that you see or the lack of morality. The recent school shooting might have brought many to tears because of the sheer brutality and the innocence of victims. But that is a extremely tragic situation and one seriously disturbed individual. Have you ever just watched the news and wanted to cry because of what you saw the world doing.
Rage was another reaction that the person feels towards the world that will not follow God. I think I might feel that one more. Michelle and I watch Castle, the TV show. But before Castle is on, the Bachelor is on. In order to make sure we don’t miss it, we usually catch the last 5 minutes of that show. What a degrading and completely immoral show that is very popular. Watching just the briefest portion of that will make a person want to rage against the immorality of the world and that the world is not following God. If it is all fake and scripted, it is still immoral, but it sets itself out as real. I would compare it to professional wrestling, only the Bachelor tears at the very soul of those involved and could completely rip their psyches apart. Wresting only tears at muscle joints and tries to rip off the others leg. There is a huge difference between physical and emotional and physiological injuries.
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