Saturday, January 05, 2013

January 5, 2013 – 1 Kings 7
I think it is a little confusing as to what this chapter is mainly talking about.  It is all still under the heading of Building the Temple, but talks at the beginning about Solomon building his own house, but then at the end it talks about items used in building the temple again.  I thought it was interesting to name the bronze worker specifically because of his talent.  Then I thought about going to Rome and how there are many different things construction wise known by those that designed them.  The baldacino in St. Peter’s and its dome are both famously know for their designers.  This person must have been known extremely well to have been remembered in the oral tradition and have been important enough to make the written word.
I thought it was interesting when it described the one basin.  It said it was ten in diameter and thirty in circumference.  A basic recollection of geometry will tell you that cannot be accurate.  It should be 31.14159265358979323846264338327950288419


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