Monday, January 21, 2013

January 21, 2013 - 1 Kings 10
We have to remember that Solomon could have asked God for all the riches of the world when God asked him what he wanted.  Solomon asked for Wisdom and in doing so, received all this wealth and power that stemmed from it.  I have tried to take this mentality when I am praying.  There are things I want, things I think I need, but when I pray, I try to get at them indirectly.  I am not trying to trick God, He knows what I really want before I do, but I am trying to shape my thoughts and prayers into a more humble approach.  Instead of asking for directly for something, I will ask for God’s will to be done in that situation and if it turns out that what I get isn’t what I wanted, then I ask for understanding as to why.  It has helped; at least I feel it has helped, to make my prayer more appropriate and allowed me to approach God in a better frame of mind.  There is not as much selfishness there, although it is still there.  There is not as much “me, me, me”, although it is still there too.  It also gives me more confidence in God, or at least allows me to rely on Him and set me on a path of reliance.   


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