Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14, 2013 – 1 Kings 16

We have a very quick run through of some very quick kings, one for only 7 days. One seems worse than the next and it states as much when it says king so and so did worse against the Lord than all other ones. We have come to King Ahab, which is about the first name that sounds familiar. Even though he does worse than all those before him, he still seems to have a long reign, relatively speaking, of 22 years. I don’t know why his name seems to be familiar and we will see if we get a longer story about him and what evil he does or if I am just remembering it for some other reason.

You get a brief snippet here about the rebuilding of Jericho. If you remember, Jericho was never supposed to be rebuilt after God brought down its walls. It appears that Ahab took on that task and because he did, his sons were taken from him.


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