Friday, June 21, 2013

June 21, 2013 – Catechism 2450 – 2463

This is a review section so there are no new topics to discuss, but seeing them all makes you realize that when there are paragraphs teaching about government and communism and other social beliefs, they were all under the section on the commandment, though shall not steal.  It all relates to the idea that nothing we have is really ours, but given to us by God and it is to be used for God’s will.  When it is not, you are stealing.  Many of us might not make that connection.  The person that doesn’t put something in the collection basket, when they are able to without hurting their own family, is stealing from those that need that money.  It may not be as obvious as the shop lifter, but it is the same act and maybe even worse in the eyes of God.  Shop lifting steals something and usually from a store or corporation that can afford to lose it.  Not giving to the collection could be taking money from someone that needs that donation to survive.  It just makes it worth reflecting that “though shall not steal” is not so narrow as to only look at stealing a candy bar from the store.  It involves much more than simple stealing.  I think the Catechism breaks down all these commandments in such a way that we can see that the commandments may only be 10 in length, but they cover all areas in life when you really dive into them. 


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