Saturday, June 22, 2013

June 22, 2013 – 1 Chronicles 1:38 – 2:17

I have always been surprised that the line comes from Judah and not Joseph.  Joseph was the favorite of Jacob, and obviously that doesn’t mean anything in the eyes of God, nor being the oldest and all that, but there is so much said about Joseph and his story is given so much attention that you would think the line was with him.  When you look at the line from Judah to David, you must remember that the names they mention include the slaves in Egypt, the ones that left Egypt, the ones that entered the promise land, then those that lived through the time of Judges.  I think it would be interesting if it identified which was which.  I think I would like to know the name of the one that died in the Wilderness and the one that entered the promise land.

Here is an image I found that puts some of this in a tree.


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