Sunday, June 09, 2013

June 9, 2013 – Catechism 2426 – 2436

I think some of the language used here is very interesting and instructive when we look at the economy and how people go about it and are treated.  First, work is good.  It is good for you, your sould, your physical and emotional well being, your family and society.  Work is meaningful and needs to be seen as such.  Much of the world wants to do whatever they can to get what they need without work.  There are many in our nation that want to and strive to find the best way to get everything they need without work.  But that doesn't help them, and hurts our society as a whole. 

One of the reasons that people have succomb to this temptations is the our government is making it easy for them and our governmnet wants people to rely on it so that it can gain more power.  That is the flow of a socialist movement and the direction we are heading.  But another reason is that people don't feel they are getting a fair or just wage for the work they are doing.  This is a much more gray area because it is so difficult to know what a just wage is.  People can get by on a lot less than they think they can.  People don't need and IPhone or flat screen TV.  THey can get by getting generic cereal or skipping soda.  But people don't want to.  They feel that these things are necessary and if they can't afford them, they are beig neglected or treated unjustly.  But there is also something to be said that prices are being raised on all items and taxes are being raised yet wages are staying low and so a person that skips all the bells and wissles still has a hard time supporting their family.  It is just a very grey area that I never really thought about until it was brought up on the campaign trail.  Do we need a "just" wage instead of a "minimum" wage and how would you go about figuring a "just" wage.  To be honest, thinking about it makes me ask more questions that actually coming up with answers. 


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