Sunday, June 02, 2013

June 2, 2013 – 2 Kings 22

We see that they find the book of the law and it makes me wonder what they were using or how much they actually knew to follow without the book.  They appear to have just been going by what someone remembered and that was passed on to the next.  It is no wonder that they fell so easily into idol worship. 

It also makes me wonder about what would happen if we found or uncovered things written by the founders about what they meant when they wrote the Bill of Rights or Constitution and we could use that to inform ourselves in applying those things today.  We could see if we are interpreting them right when it could to the meaning of “life” or what separation of Church and state actually meant.  What, they do have things just like that.  Too bad we just choose to ignore them and decide that we know better than the authors what they meant.


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