August 12, 2013 – Catechism 2566 – 2573
I think that when we think about Old Testament characters interacting with God, we don’t often see it as prayer, but really, that is what they were doing. It might have taken forms that we don’t use, but Adam and Eve, walking with God, Noah listening to God, Abraham doubting God’s promise, these were all prayers in their own way. Maybe when we look back at these stories in the light of that relationship being a relationship built on prayer it will help us develop our own relationship in prayer with God.
I had never heard before that Abraham was willing to go along with God because he thought God was going to raise Isaac from the dead. He obviously put faith in God that whatever God was going to do, his line would continue, but I had never heard specifically that Isaac would rise from the dead. That puts a new twist on the comparisons with Christ on the cross in its relation to Isaac on the altar.
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