Monday, October 07, 2013

October 7, 2013 – Catechism 2709 – 2724

“One does not undertake contemplative prayer only when one has the time; one makes time for the Lord”.  There were 3 quotes I just thought were worth thinking about.  The first is about making time for prayer.  I thought there was some quote from Mother Theresa telling those sisters under her that if they thought they were too busy for 1 hour of prayer, they needed to schedule 2.  That is how we should think about prayer.  We should make it a point to schedule it, because if we don’t, we aren’t making it a priority and we will push it off in lieu of something else.  It needs to be in our routine and we must make it a priority.  That is the only way to establish it and allow it to work and spill over into our lives.

“We let our masks fall”.  I wonder if people think they can hide their true feelings or who they really are from God.  Have you ever been praying and found yourself trying to lie to God about something, telling Him your story the way you would a parent or a boss or a friend you didn’t want to look at you differently.  Don’t you think God was there.  Don’t you know He knows what happened better than you.  Why would you try to exaggerate or downplay something in your prayers.  It is only to help yourself feel better, but it won’t work because only in being honest with God, being open and vulnerable to Him, will He be able to come in a work on you.  There is no point in trying to wear your mask with Him.  He knows you and your mask better than you do.  Take them off when you pray.

“Jesus illumines the eyes of our heart and teaches us to see everything in the light of His Truth”.  I think this sounds scary.  We may say that we want to see the world that God sees, but I don’t know if we really want that.  What would it do to us, what would we think, how would we change.  I think that would be a gift that would change our lives and it is something that we probably should ask for and want, but I don’t know if I am ready for that. 


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