Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013 – Revelations 3 – 4

I wonder if those that are call Cafeteria Catholics would be considered lukewarm.  My experience with them, which is a lot, tends to tell me that they don’t really have a strong interest in faith in either direction.  They don’t raise a fuss when the Church is bashed or when people leave or say the Church is wrong, but they don’t really join in support of that view.  But they aren’t practicing a strong faith either.  They are just getting by, doing what they think is just enough, and continuing to call themselves Catholic.  If they were against the Church, they would probably just leave and we would know where they stand.  If they practiced a strong faith, we would see that as well.  But because they just go along, I think they best fit into this category or lukewarm.

You will see these four animals used as images of the Gospels, but you may not know which is which, so here is your quick guide.  (taken from my foot notes)




John=Eagle=Swiftest (I don’t know what swiftness has to do with Gospels)

Here is Fr. Baron giving a talk about Revelations 3:7-12 (starts about 2:20 in)

His statements on testing, about minute 45, can also be seen in what we are reading in Judith.


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