December 21, 2013 – Revelations 22
“I will give to each according to his deeds.” I just do not understand how people can be so persistant in their belief in faith alone and that works don’t matter. And many of them are “Bible alone” believers. What do they think this phrase accounts for. God is going to judge you according to your deeds, your works, so what you do does matter. Besided all that, how we act in this world, what we do, that is who we are, that is what makes us. We can say what ever we want, we can think whatever we like, but it is what we do that matters. You can say you love the poor, but if you do nothing, how do you show it. It is like the good Samaritan and those priest that walked by him. Or the son that tells his father he will do the chores, but then doesn’t. How can you possibly believe actions don’t matter. I just will never understand that thought.
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