Wednesday, December 04, 2013

December 4, 2013 – Esther D – 5

Can anything melt the heart of someone so quickly as to see someone they love in anguish or distress.  The king is at the height of his anger, then Ester faints and the king is transformed into a loving and gentle caretaker.  I have felt that sort of a transition.  One of the boys is getting into trouble or doing something they shouldn’t and then gets hurt doing it.  You are so upset, but transform into a caring nurse to make sure they are okay.  They will still get in trouble or talked to, but in that moment, all that matters is that they are healthy or that they need comfort.  It is an amazing flip of the switch.

This plot to extinguish the Jews is one man feeling slighted by another man, no more.  I don’t think there is any knowledge that Hitler wanted to annihilate all the Jews because one of them wasn’t nice to him in grade school, so this seems all the worst, it makes this man all the more evil.  And how do you fool someone that is this arrogant, feed that arrogance.  You can see this being done when he is bragging about being the only person invited for the banquets. 


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