Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reflection on August 4, 1982

SJPII here, takes the entire book of Ephesians and goes over it so that we have a context for the specific section he is going to go over in detail. My take is that Ephesians appears to be a very quick manual for how to live a Christian life.

- Mystery of Christ

- Vocation of Christianity

- Christian Community

- Community of the Family

- Husbands/Wives – Marriage

- Relationships with Parents and Children

- Preparation for the Spiritual Battle

- Recommendations

It makes me want to go through and read Ephesians again. Maybe when we are through SJPII explanation I will go back and take a closer look at the whole book with his reflections in mind. It starts out very broad and then continues to narrow in to smaller groups, finally getting to the personal relationship and the personal life you live.


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