Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Well one problem solved. We did not have anything in the kitchen,
so I wrote a letter for the house cleaners and now we have tea and coffee, so that will be nice. I think I am going to like my Comparative Constitution class. We have two teachers and they do not necessarily agree on everything, so it is interesting to watch them duke it out. The class has its normal law students that try to talk about more than is necessary to try to show off. We have a Southern Bell in the front of class who started throwing out LAP jargon just to show everyone how much she remembered from classes. Oh well. Most the people did not really volunteer so hopefully we just have to listen to the show offs and they do not start calling on people. All the classes are just pass-fail for everyone outside of USF, so I am not going to worry too much.
June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day. I had a slight oversight in that all my scanned pictures are at work, so none of my weekend entries will have pictures until I get to work. I think the Constitution class was my favorite. We had another class that was about the War tibunals and prisoner laws. It was a pretty current topic because of the Guantanamo Bay prison. I don't know if anybody but me used the coffee and tea once they started bringing it.
Well one problem solved. We did not have anything in the kitchen,

June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day. I had a slight oversight in that all my scanned pictures are at work, so none of my weekend entries will have pictures until I get to work. I think the Constitution class was my favorite. We had another class that was about the War tibunals and prisoner laws. It was a pretty current topic because of the Guantanamo Bay prison. I don't know if anybody but me used the coffee and tea once they started bringing it.
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