Saturday, July 21, 2007

Monday, July 21, 2003

Went to church yesterday. First time in 3 weeks. It was powerful. They had a choir of children from Belgium and they sang beautiful Latin. The church was glorious, organ was wonderful, the readings said a lot, and it was just really fulfilling. I think I am really starting to miss home. Not homesickness from time away, but I think the fact that, I am realizing when I get back the summer will be over.

Just figured it out, and we are really only 2/3's of the way through this thing. Still a long way to go. It may go fast or slow, but it will be 1/3 of the way to go. Does not seem that far away. I think the fact that I have not talk to them in 2 weeks makes it harder. I am going to break down and buy a phone card tonight I think.

Watched the end of the British Open last night. Tiger blew it, so I was happy. The scores were low, or high I mean, so it must have been tough conditions, but it did not look like it was raining or anything, so it must have been the wind.

It is warm here. 90's most the time, with no breeze really. It is quite draining. On the other hand, maybe the late nights are the draining part.


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