Wednesday, April 07, 2010

April 7, 2010 – Genesis 28:10-29:14
So, we see Jacob meeting Rachel and then moving a stone with super strength. I don’t really know what to take from this. And the crying after kissing Rachel, I am assuming that he was happy to meet someone of his own kin to love and therefore very happy to fulfill his father’s wishes. There seems to be a lot of “love at first site” in Genesis. I guess it continues throughout with David doing it as well. Is it really love at first site or God’s hand at work in a more personal way? Is what we see today as love at first site really God’s hand in our life? It is not an abuse of free will, just placing people that are made to have a special connection in a situation where they meet and have the opportunity to fulfill that connection.
I think maybe today we have taken God so much out of our lives we may have lost the real divine nature of love at first sight and that romantic possibility. puts it into scientific equations and binary code. I am sure God still works through that, but I am sure He misses when we allowed Him a little more creativity and allowed Him to put more romance in our lives.


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