Sunday, May 02, 2010

May 2, 2010 – Psalms 27-29

Psalm 27, if you read it, at first I was thinking that he was resigned to whatever fate God had for him.  In the face of all these foes, if it meant death for following God, then death it would be.  But towards the end, I think it is not whatever God wills if that means death, but he believes God is going to defeat his enemies and that will be his deliverance.  Some may not see the distinction, and maybe I am seeing something that isn’t there, but I think there is.  Christians, throughout history, have asked for God’s assistance, but have faced martyrdom with confidence in pride that dying for Christ would be there deliverance.  I don’t know if David has that in mind when singing this Psalm.  I also don’t know what is meant by the land of the living.  If he means earthly life, then I think he is asking God to defeat his enemies. If it is the land of eternal life, God of Abraham…the God of the Living not the dead, then maybe he is clinging to whatever God’s will is, whether that  is death or not, and his confidence in God is firm in God’s will. 

Psalm 28 brought to mind that food and nourishment is always brought up because of its importance.  Verse 9 talks about feeding and sustain His people forever.  We have the Manna in the desert, the feeding the 5,000.  All these foreshadowings of the Eucharist and it helps us to understand the importance of the Eucharist.  God is going to provide us with something to feed and sustain us forever. 


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