Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20, 2010 – Acts 8

A couple of scenes here giving us some things to think about.  First, the idea that baptism is just the beginning.  I knew that you receive the Holy Spirit in part at Baptism and in its fullness at Confirmation, but I have never seen a scripture point it out so clearly.  Also, the fact that only certain people can give the Holy Spirit to others.  Points to the Bishop coming to do Confirmations.  Also, we see someone trying to buy a position in the Church, we see Peter’s reaction, and forgiveness for that act when forgiveness is sought. 

The part with the eunuch asking questions is a great scripture that points against the idea a personal interpretation or against Sola Scriptura.  The question is great.  How can I know what I am reading when their is no one to interpret it for me.  We are not called to figure it out on our own.  God would have given us something to help us figure out things so that we would know His teachings.  That is what the Church is their for.  And I can’t imagine that God would have wanted 30,000 churches to give us 30,000 different interpretations of the same scriptures.  That doesn’t seem to follow.  All that seems to point that there is one correct interpretation that should be right. 

It is just a great thing for us all, especially someone that is writing reflections on scripture, how are we suppose to know what scripture is saying without someone to interpret it for us.           


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